What is a nice guy? Is it someone who holds a door open for a woman?
No, even the most manner-lacking cur opens the door for a woman
occasionally. Is it someone who tries to be kind? Most people try, but that
doesn’t seem to be it either. Being “nice” is not actually a state of being. One is
labeled as being “nice” by many females, mostly in the context of “No, I won’t go
out with you. We’re to good of friends for that. But you’re really nice.” even
when the girl isn’t really that good of a friend (and why would you want to be
friends with someone like this, someone who makes up bad excuses for not
wanting to go out with you instead of telling you the truth?)
Why does a woman hang around with a “nice guy,” but still dates a jerk
who just uses her? Why then does she say that all men are jerks? Are we, the
“nice guys,” also jerks? Don’t give me that “present company excluded” crap
either. Why do those women who date jerks complain that they hate love? Is it
love they hate, or is it just the people they claim to love? Love is a strong word,
and I find it hard to believe that you can love someone who beats you or
destroys your self-esteem. And why do they complain to “nice guys,” who never
have dates because they aren’t jerks?
I’m beginning to think that the term “nice guy” is a derogatory phrase meaning “a guy who isn’t a stupid and/or violent person, and therefore isn’t suitable to date, but whom I may treat however I wish because he’s “nice.”” Is this correct? If not, explain why a girl will turn down a “nice guy” for a date so she can date someone who dumps her not even a week later because he finds someone ”better.” That’s never happened to you? Try being a “nice guy” for a week.
After much deliberation and testing on my part, I’ve found that a girl will
go out with just about anybody rather than be seen with a “nice guy,” except, of
course, when she’s looking for support in times of strife.
But I’ve not even mentioned the best part!!! Soon after she is dumped
she’ll come to a “nice guy” for help and advice!!! Doesn’t she realize that he’s
probably dated less people than she has? Doesn’t anybody get it? Don’t they
realize how rejected this makes us feel? Of course they don’t! We wouldn’t be
“nice guys” if we went around having feelings,now would we? What will happen
if we let it continue? Nothing!!!!! “Nice guys” don’t retaliate (though some of us
have learned how to use guilt as a weapon of mass destruction), we sit at home
watching the grass grow, and wondering if pollen worries about rejection!! Why
you ask? Good question.