This friends, is a tale of a man. Or rather a boy. Who grows into a man.
I think.
I don't have a clue why I'm writing this intro, rather than to tell you that good things happen
to bad people, and that bad things happen to good people. But what you have to remember
is that stupid things happen to everybody! Now, on with the show!
Chapter One....Dne Eht, so to speak.
The lecture class in front of Thein was a small group, no larger than ten, as always. And as
always, it was comprised of boys between the ages of 10 and 17, who all wanted to learn the
finer points of stabbing, ripping, and killing. You see, the school is the Academy for Teaching
Children the Fine Arts of Long Bloody Battles. It even has a new wing for
wizards, and a new wing for the alchemists every week. It's an expensive school,
not just in money, but in everything else imaginable. The students are taught everything from
swordplay to calculating the arc-trajectory of flaming debris launched from a catapult without
the use of paper, whilst in the field. Only the elite can afford to send their children there,
so people just dump their kids off at the door and never look back. Technically, the school
is like an orphanage for people who want famous relatives. There are classes in pillaging,
looting, burning, swordfighting, running, jumping, swimming, and sheep shearing. Whilst
sheep shearing may not sound like it should be in such a school, it is considered to be a true
knight's occupation. Sheep are dangerous. They carry the plague. The plague that makes
women cry and grown men soil themselves. The dreaded Sheep Plague. No one knows
what this Plague does, or why it's so dangerous, but everyone, yes, everyone knows to stay
away from sheep. Except the Knights. Because they have no fear of sheep. Sheep
don't carry long, pointy, metally bits and try to kill you with them. And that's what makes a
Knight scared. Just the thought of a sheep with a sword frightens them. It makes you wonder.
"This," Thein said, motioning to the glass enclosed room behind him, "is the Arena. It is a
practice ground for everything that you will learn here. In the Arena, you cannot die, but you
can feel pain. Real pain. However, no injury obtained in the Arena will remain when you leave.
No physical injuries, at least. The Magelords can create lifelike surroundings for us, and we can
practice everything from battles to campaigns, formations, sieges, and mage fights. I'm sure
you're dying to try it out, so we'll begin. We'll start by seeing how well you work together. You
will lay siege to the Impregnible Fortress, designed by myself, Seth, and Cedric. No one has
ever gained access to the throne room inside. Cedric and I will defend it. The mages will allow
you one spell, aside from the ones you may know already, which you will have them cast for
you inside the Arena. Use it wisely. And no Armageddon's Touch spells either. Get ready.
The siege commences." With that, Thein turned and walked toward the door to the Arena. He
stopped. "Oh, yes. I forgot to mention that time in the Arena is different than the time out here.
You will enter and exit the Arena in the same second. You will not age while you are in the
Arena." Then he walked in.
* * * * *
The group automatically split up. Paslen, Payden, Shawn, and Lawrence were assigned to get the
spell. They discussed it amongst themselves.
"I think we should go for Quick, so we can move twice as fast," suggested Payden.
"No, Invisibility is the way to go," put in Lawrence.
"Can't go wrong with Flame Catapult," added Paslen.
"Yes, you can. Do you remember Queen Aleasha? Remember her dress? I think we need
something special," said Shawn. "Something...different. I've got it!! Follow me!"
Winding there way through the Academy, they came to the Mage's Dormitory. Shawn knocked
on a door, stepped inside, and ducked.
The ball of green fire turned his hat into dust.
A feeble, hunched, old man stepped out from behind a glass safety wall.
"Sorry!! Sorry about that! It's got a hair trigger, you see, and I couldn't control it. Damn Ball of
Green Fire! I told them not to rig the doors with it, but would they listen? Noooo!! Let's
incinerate everyone who comes in here!! Yay!! Stupid old men."
Shawn stood up and dusted himself off. "Look, sir, we need a spell for the Arena, and--"
"Oh, I see! How about Quick? It's a good one!"
"Ahh, no."
"Invisibility? Crowd favorite!"
"Sorry, but--"
"Ah! I've got it! Flame Catapult!"
"No! I need you to--"
"Scorch Earth? Can't do that. Too deadly."
"For Gods' sakes man, no!"
"Well, what did you have in mind, then?"
* * * * *
The students who were left, Christopher, Spreck, Morty, Carl, Card, and Blake, watched the other group run off. They formed up into their standard lines, youngest to oldest, and walked into the Arena.